\[ \newcommand{\E}{\mathbb{E}} \renewcommand{\P}{\mathbb{P}} \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\one}{\mathbf{1}} \newcommand{\grad}{\nabla} \DeclareMathOperator{\sgn}{sgn} \DeclareMathOperator{\var}{Var} \DeclareMathOperator{\cov}{Cov} \]
Rapid climate change:
This talk: population genetics considerations.
What I'm not talking about:
What I am talking about:
How does geography affect how adaptive variants
arise and
and how much variation is left afterwards?
Can adaptations spread?
Also relevant for:
Population genetics wants to know:
population size
strength of selection
rate of genetic drift
these are affected by
geography \({}+{}\) dispersal \({}+{}\) temporal dynamics
Cal DFG; Todd Keeler-Wolf, CNPS (http://vegetation.cnps.org/)[http://vegetation.cnps.org/]
Zoomed-in (NVCS macrogroup):
Environmental niche models: (Biogeography Lab, UCSB)
prob.seed = 0.2, fecundity = 100,
pollen.migration = migration(
kern = function (x) { exp(-sqrt(x)) },
sigma = 300, radius = 1200, normalize = NULL ),
seed.migration = migration(
kern = "gaussian", sigma = 100,
radius = 1200, normalize = 1 ),
prob.germination = vital(
function (N, ...) {
out <- r0 / ( 1 + rowSums(N)/carrying.capacity )
return( cbind( aa=out, aA=(1+s)*out, AA=(1+s)^2*out ) )
r0 = 0.01, s = 0.05 ),
prob.survival = 0.9,
genotypes = c("aa","aA","AA")
Wright's neighborhood size:
\[ N_\text{loc} \propto \#\{ \text{ individuals within 1$\sigma$ } \}, \]
Local heterozygosity is \[ H_0 \propto \frac{N_\text{loc}}{C + N_\text{loc}}, \] where \(C\) depends on mutation rate and geometry.
(Barton, Depaulis, & Etheridge)
\(N_\text{loc}\) at different scales depends on population density and amount of nearby habitat:
NVCS Macrogroup, central Mojave:
Genetic drift:
\[\var[p_{t+1}|p_t]/p_t(1-p_t) \text{ against } N_\text{loc}\]
The probability of establishment of a single allele in a large population is \[ p_\text{estab} \approx 2 s / \nu , \]
If \(s < 1/N_\text{loc}\), local inbreeding may reduce \(p_\text{estab}\).
Alleles that are advantageous when rare spread, like wildfire. (a "pulled" wave)
Continuous habitats
leptokurtic dispersal: patchy, accelerating (Mollison 1972)
slowed by drift
Huygens principle: the wave has to go around barriers (Möbius, Murray, & Nelson 2015)
Speeds in different habitats:
Spread in patchy habitats
spread governed by arrival of migrants \({} \times p_\text{estab}\)
if gaps are totally uninhabitable (sparks carried by wind), depends on long distance dispersal
if growth rate in gaps is \(1-m\) (flammable but fire dies out) rate of migrant families is
\[\propto e^{-x \sqrt{2m}/\sigma}\]
Both depend critically on dispersal mechanism.
Adaptation in connected habitats depends on habitat shape, but only weakly.
Adaptation is strongly affected by
R's GIS tools: sp
, raster
, rgeos
, ...
Sloan Foundation
The R package: github.com/petrelharp/landsim