This document will go through several ways of implementing density-dependent population regulation.
Here’s the habitat we’ll work with. Note that units are in meters, and the resolution of the raster is 100m.
pop <- make_population(
habitat = random_habitat(),
inaccessible.value = NA,
uninhabitable.value = NA,
genotypes = c("aa","aA","AA"),
N = 0
pop$N[,"aa"] <- rpois(nrow(pop$N),values(pop$habitat)[pop$accessible]/4)
pop$N[,"aA"] <- rpois(nrow(pop$N),values(pop$habitat)[pop$accessible]/2)
pop$N[,"AA"] <- rpois(nrow(pop$N),values(pop$habitat)[pop$accessible]/4)
Here’s the basic, default demography:
basic.migr <- migration(
kern = "gaussian",
sigma = 300,
radius = 1000,
normalize = 1
basic.demog <- demography(
prob.seed = 0.05,
fecundity = 200,
prob.germination = 0.4,
prob.survival = 0.6,
pollen.migration = basic.migr,
seed.migration = basic.migr,
genotypes = c("aa","aA","AA")
Of course, this demography has no dependence on the current state of the population, so the population numbers will grow without bound: without taking into account migration, the mean number of offspring is r basic.demog[["prob.seed"]]` × 200 × 0.4 + 0.6 = 4.6
demog <- setup_demography( basic.demog, pop )
sim <- simulate_pop( pop, demog, times=seq(0,10,length.out=11),
summaries=list( totals=function(N){colSums(N)} )
matplot(sim$summaries[["totals"]],type='l',lty=1, log='y',ylab='number of individuals')
First, we could make the probability of germination (i.e., establishment) depend on the nearby density of individuals. Below, we set the probability of germination to p=p_0/(1+n/K), where n is a local average number of individuals per raster cell; this is stable if 0.05 \times 200 \times p + 0.6 = 1, which happens if if p=0.04, or, with p_0 = 0.4, if n=9 K.
demog <- basic.demog
demog$prob.germination <- vital(
function (N,...) {
out <- r0 / ( 1 + migrate(competition,x=rowSums(N))/K )
cbind( aa=out, aA=out, AA=out )
r0 = 0.4,
K = values(pop$habitat)[pop$habitable]/5,
competition = migration(
This puts a contraint on the population:
demog <- setup_demography( demog, pop )
sim <- simulate_pop( pop, demog, times=seq(0,100,length.out=101),
summaries=list( totals=function(N){colSums(N)} )
matplot(sim$summaries[["totals"]],type='l',lty=1, log='y', ylab="number of individuals")
Now, we’ll try a different tack, making death rates depend on local densities. Since death occurs after reproduction, we need the mean number of offspring to be less than one for this to work.
demog <- basic.demog
demog$prob.seed <- 0.01
demog$prob.survival <- vital(
function (N,...) {
out <- s0 / ( 1 + migrate(competition,x=rowSums(N))/K )
cbind( aa=out, aA=out, AA=out )
s0 = 0.6,
K = values(pop$habitat)[pop$habitable]/3,
competition = migration(
Here’s what that looks like:
demog <- setup_demography( demog, pop )
sim <- simulate_pop( pop, demog, times=seq(0,100,length.out=101),
summaries=list( totals=function(N){colSums(N)} ) )
matplot(sim$summaries[["totals"]],type='l',lty=1, log='y')