We’d like to calculate the proportion of a circle that intersects a rectangle, specifically when the center of the circle is inside the rectangle and the axes of the rectangle are aligned with the \(x\) and \(y\) axes.

Suppose the circle is centered at \((x, y)\) with radius \(r\), and the rectangle edges are at \((a_1, a_2)\) with \(a_1 < x < a_2\) and \((b_1, b_2)\) with \(b_1 < y < b_2\), respectively. We’d like to calculate the blue area, and will do that by calculating the hatched areas, and their intersections, and subtracting.

plot of chunk plot_stuff

First consider the area of a semi-circular segment, like so:

plot of chunk semicirc

If the distance of the center of the circle to the rectangle is \(x\), then the angle of the bottom of the ice cream cone, \(\theta\), satisfies \(x = r \cos(\theta/2)\), so \[ \theta = 2 \cos^{-1}(x/r) , \] and so the area inside the whole ice cream cone is \(\pi r^2 \times (\theta / 2 \pi) = r^2 \theta / 2\). On the other hand, cone itself (shown above in pink) has width \(2 x \sqrt{r^2 - x^2}\), and so the area of the ice cream, which is what we want, is \[ A(x) = r^2 \cos^{-1}(x/r) - x \sqrt{r^2 - x^2} . \]

Next consider the area in the overlap of two such segments, as one obtains by the intersection of a circle with the corner of a rectangle. To do this, let \(P\) be the area of the ice cream cone (which leans off at a precarious angle to the left in the diagram), \(T_1\) the area of the red triangle, \(T_2\) the area of the blue triangle, and \(R\) the area of the rectangle with sides equal to the bases of the two triangles. Then the area we want (the double-hatched area below) is equal to \(P - T_1 - T_2 + R\):

## Error in segments(x = c(center[1], center[1] + r), y = center[2]): argument 1 matches multiple formal arguments
plot of chunk semicirc2
This is because, if we number the areas from left-to-right, top-to-bottom as

and let \(z_i\) be the area of region \(i\), then \[\begin{aligned} P &= z_1 + z_2 + z_3 + z_4 \\ T_B &= z_2 + z_4 + z_6 \\ T_R &= z_3 + z_4 + z_5 \\ R &= z_4 + z_5 + z_6 \\ \text{and so } P - T_1 - T_2 + R &= z_1 . \end{aligned}\]

Now, let \(x\) be the horizontal distance of the center of the circle to the vertical edge and \(y\) the vertical distance to the horizontal edge. Then the angle of the vertex of the red triangle that’s at the center of the circle is \[ \theta_R = \cos^{-1}(y/r) , \] and the same thing for the blue triangle is \[ \theta_B = \cos^{-1}(x/r) . \] Therefore, the angle of the base of the ice cream cone is \[ \theta = \theta_R + \theta_B - \pi/2, \] and so \[\begin{aligned} P &= \pi r^2 \left( \frac{\theta}{2 \pi} \right) \\ &= \frac{r^2}{2} \left( \cos^{-1}(y/r) + \cos^{-1}(x/r) - \pi/2 \right) . \end{aligned}\] The remaining areas are easy: \[\begin{aligned} T_B &= \frac{1}{2} x \sqrt{r^2 - x^2} \\ T_R &= \frac{1}{2} y \sqrt{r^2 - y^2} \\ R &= xy . \end{aligned}\]

Putting it all together, we have that \[\begin{aligned} A_2(x,y) &= \frac{r^2}{2} \left( \cos^{-1}(y/r) + \cos^{-1}(x/r) - \pi/2 \right) \\ &\qquad - \frac{1}{2} x \sqrt{r^2 - x^2} \\ &\qquad - \frac{1}{2} y \sqrt{r^2 - y^2} \\ &\qquad + xy . \end{aligned}\]

OK, let’s test this. To put this together into a general formula, we need to

  1. compute the area of the ice cream for each of the four possible sides, if the distance to the side is less than \(r\), using \(A_1\),
  2. subtract off the area of each of the four possible overlaps, using \(A_2\), and
  3. subtract the total from the area of the circle to find out how much is inside the circle.
A1 <- function (x, r) {
    out <- 0
    if (x < r) {
        out <- r^2 * acos(x/r) - x * sqrt(r^2 - x^2)

A2 <- function (x, y, r) {
    out <- 0
    if (x^2 + y^2 < r^2) {
        out <- (
                (r^2 / 2) * (acos(y/r) + acos(x/r) - pi/2)
                - x * sqrt(r^2 - x^2) / 2
                - y * sqrt(r^2 - y^2) / 2
                + x * y

area <- function (r, xy, a, b) {
    # Find the area of the intersection of the circle centered at xy with radius r
    # and the radius with vertical sides at a and horizontal sides at b.
    # xy, a, and b must be vectors of length 2, and xy must lie within the rectangle.
    stopifnot(length(xy) == 2 && length(a) == 2 && length(b) == 2)
    x1 <- xy[1] - a[1]
    x2 <- a[2] - xy[1]
    y1 <- xy[2] - b[1]
    y2 <- b[2] - xy[2]
    stopifnot(min(x1, x2, y1, y2) >= 0)
    A <- (
          A1(x1, r)
          + A1(x2, r)
          + A1(y1, r)
          + A1(y2, r)
          - A2(x1, y1, r)
          - A2(x1, y2, r)
          - A2(x2, y1, r)
          - A2(x2, y2, r)
    stopifnot(A >= 0)
    stopifnot(A <= pi * r^2)
    return(pi * r^2 - A)

Now the tricky part: validation. We’ll do a Riemann integral of the area inside of the rectangle.

integrate <- function (r, xy, a, b) {
    tt <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=10001)
    x = pmin(a[2], pmax(a[1], xy[1] - r * cos(tt)))
    y = pmin(b[2], pmax(b[1], xy[2] + r * sin(tt)))
    A <- sum(diff(x) * (y[-1] - diff(y)/2))

# integrates circles correctly?
for (k in 1:10) {
        integrate(k, c(0, 0), c(-100, 100), c(-100, 100))
        - pi * k^2
        ) < 1e-3)

First, let’s try it on our simple examples above:

test <- function (r, xy, a, b, plot=TRUE) {
    A <- area(r, xy, a, b)
    iA <- integrate(r, xy, a, b)
    plot_intersection(r, xy, a, b)
    mtext(sprintf("eq'n: %0.3f, integral: %0.3f", A, iA), side=3)
    return(c(A, iA))
test(r=2, xy=c(4,4), a=c(0, 8), b=c(0, 5))
plot of chunk first_ex
## [1] 10.10963 10.10963

Looks good!! Now, for an intermediate:

test(r=1.1, xy=c(1, 4.0), a=c(0, 4), b=c(2, 5))
plot of chunk second1
## [1] 3.677969 3.677969

Great! And, our second example, with positive overlap:

test(r=2, xy=c(1, 4.5), a=c(0, 4), b=c(2, 5))
plot of chunk second
## [1] 6.544299 6.544299

Ok, now let’s try it on a bunch of random circles:

layout(matrix(1:100, nrow=10, ncol=10))
AA <- matrix(NA, nrow=100, ncol=2)
for (k in 1:100) {
    r <- 2 * rexp(1)
    a <- sort(runif(2, -4, 4))
    b <- sort(runif(2, -4, 4))
    xy <- runif(2, c(a[1], b[1]), c(a[2], b[2]))
    AA[k,] <- test(r=r, xy=xy, a=a, b=b)
plot of chunk tsts

And, the results:

plot(AA[,1], AA[,2], asp=1, xlab='analytical value', ylab='numerical integration', pch=20)
abline(0, 1)
plot of chunk results